Level Up The Dinner Table Using Bunny Napkin Rings
|Presenting a dining table with a wonderful tablescape might be a difficult challenge. You might think of what cutlery to wear, and which candles to put, but what about the smaller but impactful decorations like napkin rings? There are some inspirations when it comes to choosing a napkin ring design. One of the delicate but endearing designs is bunny napkin rings that are easy to make.

The Functions Of Napkin Rings
A napkin ring is an underrated ornament that is suitable for your dining table. Exactly like the name, this ring is used by people to decorate their napkins. Not only for aesthetic purposes, but they are also useful for weighing down a napkin so it will stay in its spot. Some people are missing out on napkin rings because of their small size, forgetting the functions they have.
When arranging the cutleries position, sometimes a person only folds the napkins and then leaves it like that. In reality, there are several ways of accenting your table using knick knacks like a napkin ring. There is a wide range of napkin ring varieties. From an elegant and minimalist shape to animal-shaped rings. Bunny napkin rings might be one of the most adorable designs.
How To Make Your Own Napkin Rings
Although it sounds a bit intimidating, napkin rings are not that difficult to make. It is a perfect design for a DIY adventure in your house. When a little child is around, you can even invite them on a journey in decorating your tablespace. A bunny-shaped napkin ring will easily pique their interests since many children are interested in getting to know the name of animals.
Some of the materials that you need in making your napkin rings are burlap fabrics, fabric glue, empty tissue rolls, and scissors. Make sure that your child is always in your surveillance when they are around these tools to avoid any unwanted circumstances. Before you start getting crafty, you need a sketch of your bunny napkin rings on the fabric, starting with two bunny ears.
Once the ears are cut, you also want to cut the empty tissue roll with the size of your napkin when they are folded. This tissue roll will be the ring itself, so it’s necessary to avoid the rings being too tight or too loose. Cut another long piece of your burlap fabrics and wrap them around the ring made out of an empty tissue roll. You can glue them together afterward.

The last step to this is to tuck the two ears that you’ve cut at the beginning on one side of the ring. Glue them upwards to resemble bunny ears and wait for all of them to dry out. There you have the adorable and easy-to-make DIY bunny napkin rings. Of course, you can make multiple of them or you want to put more accessories like ribbons and pearls to make them even prettier.
Once everything is final, you can use them on your dinner table immediately. These napkin rings are easy to make and require minimum materials, whereas almost everything can already be found in your own house. Now you will notice your table is more lively by the appearance of the napkin rings, and you can enjoy your dinner together with your family!